Thursday, July 14, 2011

My heart really aches for my country and my countrymen

I was with my cousin in the car driving to the Mumbai airport from Chembur when he (my cousin) started receiving phone calls about bomb blasts in three places in Mumbai.  It to just a few more minutes I started calls from my family and friends who were anxious to find out where I was and if I was safe.  On hearing the news Mumbaikers all wanted to go home (and with good reason) leading to huge traffic jams with the car inching its way forward.  My cousin and I were both silent, the conversation that we were having when the news came simply died and both of us were silently reflecting on what had happened.

Neither of us knew any details and people who were calling were giving all kinds of figures about how many were injured and how many were already dead.  But the whole thing shook the very foundation of my being and yet again questions were swirling in my head.  Why do people do this? Why?  Do people not have a conscience when they simply take the lives of so many innocent people and disrupt the well being and happiness of the families of those who die in these acts of violence?  Isn't this the highest form of cowardice?  Using weapons against people who are defenceless?  Killing those who were only just living their normal life and not threatening any one else?  What is the world coming to?  And though there are other cities that have been targetted, none has had the problem that Mumbai has had with its denizens being attacked repeatedly.  What did the poor Mumbaikers do to deserve this?  Even as the questions were circling my head, I knew that I had no answers.  There cannot be logical explanations to act of random idiocy and viciousness that form the basis of these actions.

Even as my thoughts were still in the realm of imagining what this tragedy could mean to the members of those who have lost their lives and to those of the injured and dying, my mind went on to another issue.  Already the callers who wanted to know if I and my cousin were safe were starting to theorize about who could have perpetrated the dastardly act and some were even beginning to question the nationalist credentials of Indian Muslims.  This issue scared me then (about 24 hours ago) and continues to scare me still.  Why are we so happy stereotyping communities and building grudges even when we are not the ones who are directly affected.  Have Muslims not died in these attacks?  Why subject an entire community to humiliation because these insane and inhuman actions may have been perpetrated by members belonging to the Muslim community.  I have used the word may because we still do not know for sure who has done this. A nation is built on toleration and respect for difference, even indifference to difference is acceptable, but not intolerance.  

The future of India depends upon the people of the country rallying together as one to fight the enemies of peace and prosperity.  I do not know how many read this blog, but I appeal to everyone who is reading to remain calm and sympathize with the families of the dead and injured and not castigate all members of the Muslim community most of whom also desire to live their lives peacefully.  In a strange coincidence I have received an email from one Elizabeth Potter who has requested me to give the link to a particular website in America which is pleading with Americans to not discriminate wantonly against Muslims post 9/11.  The link is pasted below.  If you are interested please visit that site and form your own opinions, especially if there are readers of this blog from America.  I am only putting up the link on my blog because as a cause it fits in with my concept of communal tolerance and harmony.  Beyond that I do not know anything about who Elizabeth Potter is and also if there is any other agenda behind that website.  Please use your own discretion if you visit that site.  Here is the link.

Meanwhile my appeal to all my brothers and sisters, please pray for peace for the souls of those that lost their lives, shed a tear and extend a thought to their families and those of the injured as well.  If you are in a position to help these families in anyway please do so. Do not cultivate hatred and just treat this terrible act of cowardice as that of only those who perpetrated it and not as that of the entire religious community to which they belong.  I pray to God to give strength to the affected and also to give peace to the country.  And remember there is only one God, irrespective of how you choose to address Him/Her.  Jai Hind.

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