Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Communal Harmony

Its been quite a while since I last made a post on this blog.  It is not as if there have been no issues to talk about. It is just that the same issues keep cropping up again and again and my views on those are pretty much established (at least that is what I hope).  In India we have been seeing this communalism debate cropping up again thanks to the verdict of a court of law sending back issues regarding Narendra Modi's involvement in the pogrom of Gujarat.  Modi has taken that as a clean chit to him and his opponents mainly the Congress have said that it is nothing like that. Meanwhile Facebook is witnessing posting of a number of statistics. Some showing the Congress as being responsible for various communal riots and pogroms while others show even more statistics to say that the BJP is communal.  In all this I have no interest in posting about anything because in India given the pragmatism that has set in to politics and since politics have been emptied of any moral or ethical content it is more than likely that both parties have played the communal card for whatever gains that they may have seen.  I do not want to take sides here because to me being on either of the two sides means ultimately the same.  In India politics are such that there are many parties using different names but doing the same thing to either come into power or to stay in power.

I have in the past posted a link sent by one Elizabeth Potter who said that they wanted all religious and ethnic groups in America living in harmony and without mutual suspicion. I posted that link then because I believe that we are all ultimately one people (human beings) and we have this one planet called Earth which is our home.  My views have not changed.  I believe that there is a necessity for us to collectively look inside ourselves and find that humanity in us all.  Elizabeth Potter has sent me yet another link and wants me to post that on this blog.  I am doing that because like I said we should all learn to live in harmony.  Her cause seems to be consistent with my own out look to harmony.  But like I said the last time, I do not know who she is or what her organization does beyond making these documentaries.  If there are Americans reading this post I request you to come to your conclusions about Ms. Potter and the work she and her friends are doing.

Here is the link she wanted me to share with you all.

Please see this and decide for yourself.  On the face of it, it seems like a genuine thing but as I said I do not know her personally at all.  Please use your discretion about this.  Thank you.

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