Friday, January 1, 2010

Fear, freespeech and democracy

I know that I have to finish the story that I have started in "My take on agitations" but today I have decided that I shall slightly delay the part three of that story. I was having a conversation with someone yesterday and it was mentioned to me that I might be treading dangerous ground by posting on a subject like the agitation in Telangana. The person feared for my safety since there is so much posturing going on. I therefore thought that I should give the main story a break and consider this. The fact that people have concerns such as the one mentioned to me shows that there is a feeling that some types of sentiments or ideas should be bridled so as to preserve one's self. That is when I thought what is democracy coming to? There are some subjects apparently that should only be used in hush-hush conversations where only the most trusted people will or should be privy to one's idea. I find this is a little unusual because in this age which is being proclaimed as a communication age, people are apprehensive of sharing their ideas and prefer to not communicate, or confine it to esoteric circles. Let what I have said so far not look like the indictment of a paranoid person who feared for my safety. I understand that there is a strong lumpen element to our society these days and this dimension is the one that thrives by preying upon the fears of the larger populations. Then there are subjects and names of people that can only be spoken in veneration or not spoken of at all. Even as I write this, I first toyed with the idea of providing one such name as an example, but my survival instinct tells me that I am probably better off not doing so. While it is entirely correct to object to anything that is totally wrong or abusive, it is a little unusual that some things cannot be discussed about even for the establishment of certain ideas which are probably not derogatory of the name concerned. Yes this seems to be the unreason of democracy, wherein the principle of free speech as a mechanism for resolution of conflict gets suspended. How does then one find solutions to problems, if one only just keeps quiet over things that need to be talked about? I think that this is worth pondering over. Very shortly I will be back with "My take on agitiations -3".


  1. You are right to be thoughtful about what you say. Find the balance between truth and triggering the wrath of the madmen and fanatics. They come in all forms, guises and positions. Not all are publicly declared criminals. That said - fight the good fight. Keep your safety in mind but don't ever step away from the fight entirely. We owe it to our children, society and most of all to our own sense of right and wrong.

    You are not alone. There are many out there who express themselves honestly and with intellectual integrity.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Apologies Lok Nath for not replying earlier. I thank you for your kind words and your encouragement.
